Making One-on-One Meetings Actually Work

by Sep 16, 2021Communication, Leadership Training0 comments

Sometimes, everyday workplace communication can feel a lot like casual communication. What’s the result?  Critical one-on-one meetings often get left behind.

Here’s the fix: Preparation is key. The more we have an actual plan- the more impactful our communication will be.

Check out my 4 favorite takeaways from this Harvard Business Review article “How to Make Your One-On-Ones With Employees More Productive” by Rebecca Knight. You can use these tios today to make your own communication more impactful:

  • Schedule it out: Have you ever had a boss who was consistently late to your meetings? It can be frustrating for your team too, so block out your calendar – being on time counts.

  • Jot it down: Your agenda doesn’t have to be fancy or complex. What are the most pressing items? How can you help your leaders problem-solve on strategic issues? Begin with a short list of key areas you want to discuss so you’ll have enough time to cover everything.

  • Give them something good:  Start your 1-1 on a positive note whenever you can. Sharing a win, offering a true compliment or expressing a simple thank you for work well done goes a long way toward fostering effective communication.

  • Be present: I once worked with a leader who was always on the phone. He received- and took- a lot of phone calls, even when he was in meetings with his team. You could say he was a multi-tasker, however there were consequences: he was clearly distracted and his team felt less important than whoever was on the other end of the phone. So when you’re in a 1-1, it pays to commit time to your employees- be present.

For more solid tactics you can use RIGHT NOW, be sure to check out my newsletter or see me on LinkedIn. See you there!

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