Business leader planning for 2025 leadership development and succession, building a strong leadership team for the future

Learn to lead by letting go. Delegation is your first step

You can take the stairs or you can take the elevator. Sometimes, when we take on a new role, we overlook tools that help us get where we need to go- the elevator, for example.

Transitioning from manager to leader or taking on a senior role brings challenges. As my grandma would say, “What’s the hitch in your get-along?”

Often, it’s delegation.

Delegation isn’t about handling responsibilities you dislike; it’s about empowering your team to move forward together.

After all, you can’t do it all yourself.

If you stay buried in details, you won’t have the bandwidth (or time) for strategic work. Leaders guide their teams, not get stuck in the weeds.  

Why is delegation hard?

Here’s the truth:

We don’t want to lose control

We figure we can do the assignment or the job faster, or better and we can control the outcome. Perhaps we don’t trust that someone else can do the work equally as well. So, we do it ourselves.


The outcome doesn’t always have to be 100% perfect. If it’s not something that will bring the house down and if it isn’t perfect, let a team member handle it.


You’re right. It will take time to train your team. Consider it the best investment you’ll make.

My 3 TOP tips:

1. Earn trust first

My favorite boss and mentor gave me great advice: “Real estate is about a handshake and eye contact.” The concept still applies- and it applies to any role in any industry. THAT is how we build and earn trust.

2. Empower them!

Give people the opportunity to lead and to show their style. True leadership isn’t about the number of people you lead, or how many portfolios you handle. It’s all about how you lead.

3. What leadership competencies are critical?

Don’t wait. Often we assume our teams will figure out what they need to do all by themselves and we don’t offer professional development, or we limit it.
You could say this works- until it doesn’t. If you wait, the risk is that those employees will go to another company that does invest in their growth.

You can take the stairs or the elevator. Which will you choose?

Ready to lead by letting go? I work with leaders through executive coaching or client workshops. Be sure to contact me right here or book a complimentary discovery call on calendly.




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